3 Healthy Habits you Can Easily Start Today

If you're trying to learn new habits, you might be familiar with the old adage that it takes 21 days of repetition to form a habit. However, what's less commonly talked about is the fact that forming new habits is hard! It's challenging to interrupt our existing routines, and even more difficult to stick with something long enough to make it a habit. But there is something you can do to make the process a little easier: attach your new habit to something you already enjoy doing. Here are three examples of habits you can start with something you already do, and that will help improve your health and fitness.

Listening to Audiobooks While Walking

Walking is already a healthy habit to have, but it can be tough to make time for. If you attach audiobooks to this activity, however, it's suddenly a lot more appealing! Choose an audiobook that you're excited about, and then commit to only listening to it while you're walking. This helps you stay motivated to keep up the habit of walking every day, and it also helps you incorporate reading (or listening) more into your daily life.

Food Prep While Watching TV

Meal prepping is a great way to stay on track with a healthy diet, but it can be really dull and time-consuming. To make it more enjoyable, try food prepping while you watch your favorite show! This works especially well if you're binge-watching a show, as you'll have a lot of uninterrupted time to cook your meals. Plus, you'll feel like you're doing something productive while you're enjoying your downtime.

Stretching During Commercials

If you're someone who likes to watch TV in the evenings, try incorporating a little stretching into your routine. Every time a commercial comes on, get up and do some stretching. You could focus on your legs, your back, or whatever area feels tight. The point is to make use of the time when you're sitting still to do something good for your body. This will help improve your flexibility and mobility, and it's a great way to combat the effects of sitting for too long.

Forming new habits is difficult, but it's not impossible. By attaching your new habits to things you already enjoy doing, you're more likely to stick with them. Walking while listening to audiobooks, food prepping while watching TV, and stretching during commercials are three examples of habits that you can easily incorporate into your daily life. The key is to make the habit you're trying to form enjoyable, so it doesn't feel like a chore. With a little creative thinking, you can make healthy habits a part of your daily routine without feeling like you're sacrificing anything.




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