How to Make Your Home a Gym

We know you love going to the gym. The jamming tunes, the laughing and random good times with your friends.  We also know you enjoy the ability to have your own time to train. Having your time away from outside distractions and letting the intent of your training take hold. Understanding the importance of gym time, let’s go over a few tips on how to make your home the best gym it can be.

Step 1: Respect Your Routine

Whether you know it or not there are certain things you do or need to do to get in the right mindset for your training. If it’s a particular color of marker to write out your work out, a certain stretch or warm up you like to perform, or even the finalization of the digestive process.  Consider what those might be for you and be sure to keep those routines in place. They will let your mind and body know it’s ready to go - even in a different environment.

Step 2: Schedule Your Time 

You usually have a set time that you like to train. Continue scheduling time out of your day to do that. You enjoy that 5am time? Go for it. 9? Be my guest.  Whatever time seems to be working, set that time to train and make it happen.

Step 3: Eliminate Outside Distractions

This might be the toughest one and will involve a little bit of boundary establishing with those around you. Your routine and your scheduled time to train are your own.  You have to make that apparent to those you are sharing a space with. It’s very simple for significant others or children to ask you questions or come see you while you are training.  If that’s not something that normally happens at the gym, set the standard that this is your time and you are not available until it is over.

Step 4: Embrace Your Freedom

Fortunately, most of us have some wiggle room in our schedules. If you want to change it up some and adjust your routine a little, that’s just fine. The key is to not implement or change too many different things that throw the whole rhythm off. When in doubt just keep it simple. If you want to teach your children what a burpee is, or show your spouse why splits squats are so terrible then you have that opportunity. If you want to put some death metal on and head bang between sets then rock on! 

Step 5: You Have Support. Share it. 

First, from a coach’s perspective, logging detailed results and uploading videos on form is always welcomed and appreciated. Secondly, embracing the social distancing with some sharing on social media can help with that socializing you might be missing . We all want to know how you are doing and miss the day to day interactions so anything you are willing to share or lend support on is appreciated and graciously accepted. 

Things are different and new right now and seem to be ever changing which makes finding routine at home key. Keep after it and do your best - whatever that looks like right now.  It doesn’t have to be perfect. Intent plus practice equals progress and right now that is more than enough.


I’m Walking on Sunshine

