Push Play

There was a time - usually when we were younger - that all we could think about was going outside to play.  I haven’t been a child for a while but that’s at least how I remember it. The only thing that would stop me from playing was darkness, and even sometimes that didn’t work.  Night time hide n seek anybody.  Either way there is a point in time where most of us begin to grow out of it.  We begin to lose the moments that come from being joyful in some physical nature. So let's try to get your inner child the attention it has been missing and push for more play.

Step 1: How to Play

The how is ultimately up to you. The best part of playing was how simple it can be!

Everything is lava, Red light Green Light, or find any object and climb it were all great games. The only thing that limited us was our imagination.  So take the time to disconnect and think back on what you used to enjoy. Put away the phone, turn off the tv, figure it out and let loose a bit.

Step 2: What to Play

So now you have sat with yourself alone, the impulse to reach for your phone or doing something might be slightly overwhelming. But before technology and all this instant gratification surrounding us we learned to entertain ourselves with the simplest things.  Take the time to understand who you are and what you enjoy is paramount but really easy.  As a child what did you do for fun?  I’m sure it wasn’t binge watching Tiger King.  Let your inner child guide you for what you enjoy.  Might not be exactly the same because you are different after all, but use it as a starting point. 

Step 3: Why we Play 

Play is part of expressing ourselves and it helps ground us by bringing us fully into the present moment. The importance of play is becoming dramatically apparent in the world of tactical screens. With youth sports seeing a decline in what would be considered natural athleticism.  Kids are no longer playing catch with a ball, unless it’s Pokemon Go. They aren’t running, jumping and building proprioception, or hand eye coordination as often. There is a two dimensional screen that has become to the new play which can negatively impact our ability to move, our mood, and our overall creativity.

Step 4: Balance of Play

 Now don’t get me wrong there is a time and place for screen time.  I’m not naive to the importance of technology. You can no longer fully function in this world unless you have a microcomputer in your pocket that is connected to the entire world all the time.  But as the common theme goes - there must be balance.  Screen time is built into almost every single piece of our lives which means we need to make a conscious effort to find that balance and limit the amount you use it.  

Don’t push pause on play.  Let your imagination from your inner child steer you towards the things you enjoy today. Above all, strike a balance, and do something you enjoy that will help you with becoming the best version of yourself.


Keeping the Routine


Purpose Part 3: Choosing to Take Action