The Leaves of Change

Well this year has been a fun one. Little to no snow, a personally very pleasant & mild summer, and some COVID-19 in the year 2020 - which the history books will find very misleading and it will probably be a history question a bunch of kids get wrong.  Either way, surprises and derailments within our day to day life have been the theme of this year. Normally we tend to save that for the end of the year into the holiday season so with the expectation that it might be even a little more chaotic this year….what can you do to prepare?

Here are a few tips to keep your routine as sound as possible. But always remember you are going to have off days or weeks from what you consider to be ideal, everyone does.  Getting back into your routine as quickly as you can and learning from the derailment is the goal. Progression not perfection.

#1:  Ask “What do I enjoy or always make time to do?”

Using the answer you can help discover some anchor/root habits that you can revert back to when you get all cattywampus day to day.  

For example: I enjoy walking and cooking. 

How I would use these to keep me on track is remember what I’m trying to accomplish.  If it is to relearn Spanish or practice meditation I will use my walking or cooking as the vessel.  I can easily put a Spanish learning audiobook on while I walk or cook.  Or maybe learn a new recipe in Spanish. It’s pretty easy to figure out what will help you get back on track as long as you know what you enjoy, but If you need some help figuring out what you enjoy ask your coach and they will be more than willing to help.  

#2: Do it Daily

Wait, didn’t you just say it’s okay to not do this everyday? Well yes it’s okay to not do it everyday but the intent is still to do it everyday and make it your daily routine.  Trying to keep the same routine from weekday to weekend is essential. Whether that is sleep patterns, meals, or taking your kids to school.  Leave them at the bus stop on Saturday and Sunday. Your routine is more important than their well-being and safety.

I’m kidding…

My point is, within reason, make sure to do the most you can with what you would normally do. Trying to keep the same order, time, and days things happen.  Our brains are wired to detect patterns and make habits second nature over time. So give it a chance to figure you/your day out so it can become efficient and easy to come back to.

#3: Vitamin D

In the more northern parts of the northern hemisphere the Vitamin D exposure is very minimal.  The amount of daily bodily processes that use Vitamin D are countless. So when we are in the depths of winter in one of the WORLD'S cloudiest cities we might need a little supplementation.   The RDA is 600 IU for most adults. Vitamin D levels are something to definitely get checked if you work inside, exercise, or are female. Those particular groups could require more than the RDA.  If you are deficient (or suspect you may be) you could need more too, but consulting a physician would be the best practice there.

#4: Boundaries 

Now remember when I said to leave your children at the bus stop? I was only partially kidding.  The lesson to be taken away there is about self care and boundaries.  The self care aspect requires you to put yourself before others.  The end result means a more able and ready version of yourself to help those others in your life.  Often times, we have this need/desire to help others over ourselves and sadly that sometimes can lead to a high level of self-neglect. By establishing boundaries with those we care most about we can allow ourselves the proper care which in the long run allows us to be more capable of helping others in a balanced way.

#5: Planning & Communication

Having a well established support system is fundamental but not necessary.  You can rely on others who are like minded to bounce back and forth in a balanced healthy routine, but what if you don’t have that and you are el solo lobo?  You have to plan and communicate said plans effectively.

If you know your holidays are going to be wild and you like to enjoy food then just plan ahead for it in a way that aligns with your goals.  If the week of Thanksgiving you are going to the in-laws, then your parents, then a Friendsgiving, and then some work thing - you are going to have to plan for it.  If you don’t know what these things entail then you have to communicate with all those parties involved that you need specific information. Have a hard time asking? Use #4 as a reminder that your self-care & boundaries are important :)

So using the communications to establish some plans will allow you to know what you are expecting.  If you are trying to be very diligent on nutrition then you can accept the fact you are going to have some good (bad) food and enjoy the social and family aspects because 2020 has been a tough one and you deserve it.  But keep in mind that doesn’t mean your Thanksgiving nutrition extends to Christmas and beyond until easter. Failing to plan is planning to fail.  Cliché but true. 

Keep your daily routine sound, remember what brings you joy and use those to bring yourself back to reality.  Planning with those tools in your back pocket and being able to let others know those things are important to you should make it a little bit easier.  If not just take the “magic pill” (Vitamin D). ;-)


Tis’ the Season


CAL-O-RIES for the O-REO