Should You Take Creatine?

There are so many supplements out there, but I still find it amazing that so many people aren’t taking one of the most tested and proven supplements out there. Not only are its benefits proven, creatine is a naturally occurring substance in our body and in the foods we eat which there isn’t much reason to not take it.  If you are able to make it a routine, it’s a simple way to improve your performance basically over night.

Creatine Monohydrate:

What is it for?

Overall, creatine is important for muscular function, growth & recovery. Supplementing with creatine can help improve performance in the gym & muscle recovery which can lead to more muscle growth. More recently, it has been shown to improve cognitive function as well.

How Much to Take?

5 gram per day for the rest of forever.  Once your body reaches a level of saturation the idea is to maintain that.  You can load 30 gram per day for a week or so to start but this is not necessary for most people. You will start to retain water in the muscular tissue which may cause very slight weight gain.

Who is it for?

Everyone and anyone who has fitness goals.  If taken consistently, it will help you to lift more which in the long term can lead to more muscle growth among many other health benefits - long term & short term.


Go on Amazon and buy the biggest bag you can find.  This is something you will have to do regularly so make sure you can add this into your daily routine with ease. Mix it into anything you would like and just get started with it.


Nutrition Basics: Protein


Meeting Yourself Where You Are: Self-Compassion