A Routine to Begin the Day

How good does it feel to wake up on the right side of the bed? Assuming you have also taken into account practicing a solid evening routine to get high quality sleep - the next step for starting our day off right would be a morning routine.

Step 1: Make your bed. Or complete a task, immediately.

The idea of making your bed to start your day has become very popular because it can help start your day off with a sense of accomplishment and pride in doing so. The goal here is to accomplish a task as a way to set the tone of productivity throughout the rest of your day. Whether that task is making the bed, making breakfast, meditation, or writing in your gratitude journal, these small wins can build momentum to carry you through the entire day building upon larger and larger accomplishments.

Step 2: Hydration

You have been asleep for about 7-9 hours which means you haven’t had water for the last 9-11 - your body is probably a little thirsty. Consuming 16-32 ounces of water will get the digestive machinery flowing and the body hydrated. You can also make this your task to start the day and take care of two birds with one stone.

Step 3: Daily task planning

Sit down with your liter of water, then maybe your liter of coffee (you know who you are), and plan out your day. You don’t have to physically write this out, but it could be helpful. The idea is to take your mind through a visual tour of the day and be prepared for it. This can be a thought exercise in going from start to finish. It can be a list that needs to be checked off as the day goes, or your can verbally tell your dog, spouse or children what’s happening for the day. If you really want to be in tune with your day write it down, and read it back to yourself with “I will” in front of each task. Especially the one that says ‘I will Log my results in True Coach immediately following my workout.”

Step 4: Breakfast

Breaking your fast. Also something that can be used in step one as a good ole two for one special. Understandably, some people do not have much of an appetite in the morning and rather not have the conventional breakfast time. That is entirely up to you. Just consider why you are not hungry and if it has always been that way. Could be an indication of a variety of things but it is important to note that waking up hungry is a positive signal from our body that system is working well.

Some folks do practice intermittent fasting which is just fine. This allows for a little more time to set the day up for success and not have to fret with making food in the morning. Just make sure that if you are skipping breakfast but adding 32 different things to your coffee you should consider that you might be better off with a whole food source that involves a bit of cooking, smelling and chewing of your food to start your day.

Step 5: Sleep

Your morning routine will have absolutely no sustainability without it. Each day ends and begins with it. So keep working on optimizing that routine because it will only supplement the rest of your life. Check out our blog on Sleep Hygiene to learn more.


Purpose Part 2: What & Why


Purpose Part 1: Awareness